Human VOIP

In case you write a blog in English

I got some good comments about the English in my blog, none of it came from a native English speaker, obviously. I don’t need anyone telling me my English is far from perfect, I can tell by myself I got some typos and grammar mistakes, but, I’m not sure that perfect English is the most important thing when writing a blog. It needs to be reasonable, without too many obvious mistakes and most important it gotta be understandable, without the readers need to reread full sentences. I’m not sure I always qualify for the last one though. At least websitegrader think the readability level of my blog is: "primary / elementary school".

Check spellers do help, but sometimes they cause even more trouble. Sometimes I accept what they offer too quickly and get completely different words without even noticing, to name a few: implantation instead of implementation and except instead of expect.

Anyway, I got a little aid from this article, the comments have some good insights as well.

The article is also available as a PDF.

3 Responses to “In case you write a blog in English”

  1. Alexander Marktl Says:

    Hey. Don’t worry.

    I kind of have the same prob, but who cares anyway if you keep releasing good stuff ;-)

  2. guy Says:

    Thanks for your comment Alexander,
    I totally agree

  3. GUYA.NET » Blog Archive » In case you write a blog in English Says:

    [...] Then you might wanna check this. [...]

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