Human VOIP

Nokia Morph - nanotech concept phone

Nokia Research Center, along with the Cambridge Nanoscience Center, think they know how we’ll use our mobile device in the future. If I have to summerize the user experience of this concept phone it’ll be - insane usability and flexibility (insane in a good way).

This beautiful animation, demo the concept:

It is very easy to accuse concept project like this to be very unrealistic, and it’s frequently being compared to the concept device and technologies that were presented in the 50th. The predictions back then were mainly about that every house will be completely automatic, managed by humanoid robots, and we’ll all be driving flying cars. Even though this concept mobile device is not intended for production in the near future, it is said that some of its features might find their way into high-end devices in the coming 7 years.

I truly believe that the concept creations of today, including this one, are much more realistic, based on real technologies, and not just the creator imagination like in the 50th. I remember that only few years ago, I saw a concept video about bizar looking cellphones that can do video calls. Can you imagine?

For more info, images, and the above video in higher quality, go here.

One Response to “Nokia Morph - nanotech concept phone”

  1. Imran Says:

    Nokia has designed new mobiles with Future Based nanotechnology called Nokia Morph. Nokia Morph is in its concept phase. Making calls and messaging will be possible using a handset crafted from nanotech-derived Fibril proteins; that means the device would be flexible, so a wristband could become a normal handset, or even unfurl into a web tablet.

    Since nobody likes holding a grubby brick up to their ear, the Morph handset would be self-cleaning (using so-called nanostructured surfaces called “nanoflowers” that naturally repel dirt, water and fingerprints) and recharging would be a thing of the past as invisible “nanograss” all over the surface collects solar energy.

    read more about it :

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Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.