Human VOIP

Archive for May, 2008

Lets Speex about the future

Monday, May 19th, 2008

The websphere is buzzing about the new beta version of the Flash Player 10 that’ll enable users to connect each other directly (p2p). The new version will support the open source Speex audio codec that’ll enable it to more easily connect to a PBX and PSTN.

The possibilities here are endless; it means that 99% of Internet users will be able to make a Skype like calls without installing anything on their machine. They will be able to share files, media, etc’, all from within the browser and without installing anything.

The same way anyone can enter any website and watch a free video (e.g.

Anyone will be able to surf the web and make a free phone/video calls, p2p phone calls that is.

Slightly more info…

Flash Player 10 Beta Release Notes

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.