Human VOIP

Archive for the ‘Click 2 Call’ Category

Jajah Click To Call Javascipt API

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

About the Jajah Buttons (Click to Call):

Jajah Buttons are basically a way to call someone by his Screen-Name, for example, if you know my Jajah screen name is guy you can reach me by going to:
I don’t have to tell you my number and I’ll be paying for the call, similar to 1-800 call.
I can also easily determine - in which days of the week, in what hours and from which countries I would like to be available for calls.

When I, as the button owner, receive a call, I will be asked:
1. Accept the call.
2. Deny the call for now.
3. Deny the call and add the caller to the blacklist.

We are planning to:
Allow the owner of the button, in this case the business, to choose the option to remove the 1, 2, and 3 confirmation and also to make the call go first to the caller with a recorded slogan from the business, for ex: You will be connected to AUBRETIA SOFTWARE  in a few moments. AUBRETIA SOFTWARE is…

You can get your own customized Jajah Button Flash widget from here, (you can embed the widget inside any website):

The Jajah Buttons JavaScript API:

This Javascript API allows complete customization of the Jajah Button. The default look is smaller and will integrate easily into any website. It also supports multiple Jajah Buttons on the same page.

In order to implement the buttons inside your website, with the default look and feel, all you need to do is include this 3kb script in the header of the page:

This script will automatically look for any HTML divs with a class name of JajahButton, for ex:


When the script will find this div it’ll create inside of it a button, upon click it’ll call the screen-name aubretia, all needed html, graphics and functionality will be handled by the script automatically.

Note: If you don’t have a screen-name, create it here:

One of the basic customization options and maybe the most important is the “Click to call” image. To customize it, you need to write only one line of JavaScript, for example:

JajahCallUI._callImg = “”;

In this HTML file there are some simple examples of using the API and some basic customizations. Look at the source to see how it’s done.

Here is an example of a website that uses the API with a little customization:

If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas, please let us know.

Fixing a size issue with Jajah Button and Internet Explorer

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

The Jajah Button is completely dynamic in size, it figure its desired size from the HTML tag containing it.

IE (Internet Explorer), for that matter, is a very slow browser. It’s apparent that in some cases where the page contains a lot of HTML, Flash objects inside that page wouldn’t know their size only after some time.

When an heavy page which contains a Jajah Button is viewed inside Internet Explorer 6/7, the Button might sometimes render itself with an incorrect size.

This is an issue with all Flash objects on the page not only with the Jajah Button it’s significant for the Button, though. Again since its size is dynamic.

Most Jajah Buttons on most pages will work just fine in all browsers, if you experience any Button Widget size issues when viewing your page in IE, you can put this script anywhere on the page, and it’ll fix it:

Here is a good example (lower left).

Get your Jajah Button now.

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.