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The Ultimate Firefox setup!

After writing a post about the best Windows setup I realized the setting up Firefox to max its potential can be just as or even more complicated. So, here I will detail what i believe to be the Ultimate Firefox setup!


Go to Tools->Options

  1. On Main tab - I would set up my download folder here so when I download files they won’t just end up on my desktop. Choose Save files to and browse to the folder of your choosing.
  2. Tabs tab - We’ll use an add-on for this one.
  3. Privacy tab - You might want to mark Always clear my private data when I close Firefox and choose the correct Settings for you. this is good for security reasons.
  4. Security tab - I HIGHLY recommend you use a master password for all your saved passwords, it is really no hassle and adds a very important security layer. Just mark Use a master password.

I didn’t talk about any other thing in the options because the rest of the default values seem fine to me.


This are add-ons I use and find helpful for fun and productivity.

For setting up specific add-on settings go to Tools->Add-ons->[add-on name]->Options

  1. Download Statusbar - Gives you a small downloads status indication at the status bar.
    After install and restart choose in it’s settings:
    Top right Mini Mode.
  2. Fasterfox - Does different optimizations to your Firefox installation so it will run much faster.
  3. Firebug - This might be the best one in the list. If you are a web developer this is the extension for you, extensive all-web related features. viewing and editing in real time of DOM,CSS,HTML,JS… and a JS console and a view of all requests sent including AJAX requests.
    And what I consider to be the coolest feature, live JS debug with breakpoints !
  4. Flashgot - When combined with a download manager (Flashget\GetRight\DAP…) enables to send to download all links in a page, links marked, building a gallery of picture\video and many many more.
  5. Forecastfox - Weather in your status bar. Personally I change the settings so it will only show icons and just when I hover above one give me more details.
  6. Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer - Does exactly what the name says. I use this to keep a backup of bookmarks and at the same time keep my Portable Firefox synched with my standard installation.
  7. IE Tab - Enables viewing of pages using IE’s engine inside Firefox. Very useful for web-developers or just people that use non-standard web sites.
  8. Long Titles - Makes sure that the image tool tips will show completely.
  9. Master Password Timeout - If you wish your master password will expire every so minutes than use this extension.
  10. ProfileSwithcer - Firefox add-on developers or just people that want a clean\different profile for normal usage can install this for a quick and easy switch.
  11. Resurrect Pages - Don’t you just hate it when you go to some site and get the 404 missing error ? Well, this extension lets you view this page from many different web cache archives, can be very useful at times.
  12. Tab Mix Plus - Adds a whole lot of features for the Firefox tabs. I highly recommend going through it’s settings and setting it to your liking.
  13. Update Notifier - Notifies of new updates to the main Firefox program and to add-ons.
  14. Web Developer - A must have for web developers, just get it and explore all the wonderful options. this does not conflict with Firebug, they complete each other.
  15. iFox Smooth - A nice theme I have been using for a while now.
  16. JAJAH Click-to-call - Last but not least, our very own. - adds telephony functionality to your pages with number recognition and other cool features.

I recommend going through each new add-on you install and its various settings options and choosing what is right for you.


Write at the address bar about:config and now we are going to search for values and change them, if a value does not exist, add it.

This is a little more complicated and dangerous for your Firefox installation so use at your own risk.

I found a few good articles about this specific subject so I will link to them and leave the fame to who ever deserves it.

  1. Link 1
  2. Link 2

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Hope this helped you.

Tell me what is your ultimate Firefox setup in the comments.

Some credit goes to Lifehacker for ideas.


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3 Responses to “The Ultimate Firefox setup!”

  1. ran Says:

    Nice post, useful.
    I think that the only extensions here I don’t use are the ones for web developers and such.
    BTW adding dictionaries (for the languages you use) to Firefox is also a good idea.

    And Lifehacker is no. 1 (yeah, I know them because of your RSS)

  2. Ran Says:

    BTW if you Google for “the ultimate Firefox setup”, yours is the first on the list.

  3. Omer M Says:

    I recommand another great extension, all-in-one gestures (or some other mouse gestures extension). Can really make a difference after you get used to it.

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