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Posts Tagged ‘installation’

How to: Run a program on start up on Windows mobile

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Thinking about how to run a program on the Smart Phone’s boot sequence got me searching and I did find the answer but it was not as easy and as clear to find as I hoped. That is the reason that i came to write this post.

The very simple and easy way to do this is to add a shortcut to the program we want to run under \Windows\StartUp

Yes its that simple.

There might be a different way to do this using the registry, but i couldn’t find one and quite frankly, I don’t see the need for it.

What you might want to do is add your created shortcut to the your installation CAB[I will try and have a different post regarding this one, it is a big subject.] under this folder so it will be done on installment and you won’t have to do it programmatically in a later phase. On the other hand, doing it programmatically leaves you the option to have this as a setting in your application that the user can set. I will leave the choice down to you. =]

Hope this was helpful!


Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.