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Posts Tagged ‘soft input panel’

How to: Control the keyboard(SIP - Soft Input Panel) on Windows Mobile

Friday, February 1st, 2008

As you might have noticed, what I do here in this blog is write about the things I look for, than, when I can’t find them or I find too complicated and evasive answers I write simple ones here.

So, let’s get to the reason we’re all here.

I will give here an example on how you can change the visibility of the keyboard and you will probably be able to figure out the rest.

the steps are as follows:

  1. Add a reference to Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.dll
  2. Create our new class:
    using Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms;
    namespace Environment.Keyboard
        public class Keyboard
  3. Create our private InputPanel member:

    private static InputPanel m_inputPanel = new InputPanel();
  4. Create the property to check if the Keyboard is open:

    public static bool KeyboardOpen
        get { return m_inputPanel.Enabled; }
        set { m_inputPanel.Enabled = value; }
  5. Were done!

It’s that simple. the Enabled property in the InputPanel signifies if the keyboard is currently open or not.

Check out this link for a more comprehensive article.

See you next time,


Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.