Tzah 2.0

How to make conference calls from your mobile

Did you know you can make conference calls from your mobile? Yes, we can! This functionality is hidden inside your phone and my guess is that 99% of mobile users are not aware of it. Here’s a quick step-by-step on how to do it on Nokia S40 phones. I welcome you to add in the comments explanations for other manufacturers.

  1. Call someone! (that’s easy, right?) and wait for your friend to answer. Let’s say his name is Riker.
  2. Press options, New call (ah ha!) and type the phone number of another friend. Let’s say his name is Worf. Wait for Worf to answer (Kapla!)
  3. Back on your phone, you’re now talking to Worf while Riker is on hold. Now press options, scroll down and press on – yes, you got it – Conference. Now you, Riker and Worf can speak all together.
  4. If you wish to add another friend - Data for example - simply repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. To finish the conference just hang up. All your friends will be disconnected from the call.

A word of caution. You should check with your operator how much this calls will cost you. I’m not sure it’s just the rate of one call times the number of participants in the conference call.

Finally, if you wish to make low-cost conference calls to friends and colleagues abroad, you can use JAJAH’s conference call service. If you’re not in front of your computer, you can make conference call as described above with JAJAH.Direct numbers.

2 Responses to “How to make conference calls from your mobile”

  1. Guy Says:

    Nice tip, I didn’t know it’s possible.

  2. voip conference Says:

    voip conference…

    I never thought I will agree with this opinion, but you know… I agree partially now…

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