How To Work with Resources Files (Resx + resource) in C#
Many companies are working with resource files (.resx or .resource) in order to support multi-lingual Application \ Website. In the following Article I will demonstrate how to work with each kind.
According to the user culture, we can easily show our App \ Website in the proper language.
For Example:
// The following function return value of a key according to specific culture
Private string GetKeyValue(string filename, string resourcePath,string key,string culture)
ResourceManager rm = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager(resourceFile, filePath, null); Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), null);
// retrieve the value of the specified key
String value = rm.GetString(key, CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return value;
return null;
Resource Files
Read Resource File
private void ReadResourceFile(string filename)
// Read Entire File
IResourceReader reader = new ResourceReader(filename);
// Iterate through the resources and so some action
foreach (DictionaryEntry d in reader)
// Do Action
Write Resource File
private void WriteResourceFile(string filename)
IResourceWriter writer = new ResourceWriter(filename);
// Add Resources “Identifier” , value
writer.AddResource(”Identifier”, “value”);
writer.AddResource(”Identifier”, “value”);
// Close the file
Resx Files
Read Resx File
private void ReadResFile(string FileName)
ResXResourceReader rsxr = new ResXResourceReader(FileName);
// Iterate through the resources and do some action
foreach (DictionaryEntry d in rsxr)
// Do Action
Write Resx File
private void WriteResFile(string FileName)
ResXResourceWriter rsxr = new ResXResourceWriter(FileName);
// Add Resources
rsxr.AddResource(”Identifier”, “value”);
rsxr.AddResource(”Identifier”, “value”);
// Close the file
Tags: c# resources, how to work with resource file, resource file, resx file