
Archive for the ‘Portable Applications’ Category

Portable Software

Friday, April 4th, 2008

A portable program is a piece of software that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any other computer. It can be your anti-virus , email program, system tool and even Operation system.

The program run directly from your external device (USB, IPOD or memory stick) and not require any installation on your computer.

What are the benefits of using such “Portable Software” ?

  • Leave a zero “footprint” on any PC \ Mac. After the program shut down All registry \ temporary files should be removed.
  • All Data can be saved in the external device.
  • These programs don’t mess our computer - they don’t take space \ affect the registry files and other components.
  • We can use this program in any computer , no matter if this software is installed there.

You can find many program that are portable like:Bablylon , Word ,UnInstaller 2008 ,Nero and even windows XP

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.