
Archive for April, 2008

The secrets behind the HR interview - Part I

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

In most of the High-tech companies, as a part of the selection process, it is acceptable to carry out a number of interviews. Those interviews are one of two kinds: Professional interviews conducted by professional managers, and HR interviews conducted by human resource members. While the Professional interview is structured and it is very clear how to succeed in it- this is due to the fact that it contains a knowledge test and/or logic test which have an unambiguous objective answers- the HR interview is fuzzy and unclear with no correct/wrong answers. For this reason, when we are applying for a job in a high-tech company, it will be useful to know how to be successful in this kind of interviews.


What are the HR interviewers looking for when they are interviewing for a job? (And I should know as a candidate)

Beyond the known elements of impression formation (for more details see: or, The interviewer is searching for a matching between the characteristics of the candidate and the properties of the organization, and between the personality and the abilities of the candidate and the quality of the designated job. To find out about the personality of the candidate, the interviewer is using the curriculum vitae (C.V) and a different set of questions as a part of a depth interview.

Matching between the candidate and the organization

The interviewer is trying to find out how the candidate will be integrated into the organizational surroundings: the organizational culture, the atmosphere of the appointed team, the character of the supervisor et cetera. For instance, if we are applying for a job in a small startup company, which has frequent changes, we should emphasize the ability to cope with those changes and even to want the challenge and excitement. On the other hand, if we are trying to be accepted into a large established organization, we should emphasize the aspiration for a job security and our ability to cope with the routine. As a candidate you probably don’t know much about these subjects, but try to do your best in achieving this information (for example: via the company web site or via acquaintance who work there). But more than likely, you would have some information and influence on the job characteristics (because it is easy to guess). Thus, the next article will explore the matching between the candidate and the job characteristics.

The writer is an organizational psychologist working at a large selection agency in Israel

IArchos - What if Archos & IPhone can be one Device

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

There are many PMP players in the market that offer wide-screen video playback, a Wi-Fi Internet browser, the ability to play Internet video content from YouTube, wireless music purchases, a music player, photo viewer, video player, and much more.However we can say that the kings of the superplayer domain right now are the iPod Touch (IPhone) and the Archos 605 WiFi .


What Specification the IArchos will have ?

In order to answer this question I put in a table all the specification of both products: IPhone and Archos and I selected in each criteria the best one

  Archos 605 Wifi IPhone Who’s better?
Capacity Up to 160 GB 16 GB The Capacity of the IPhone is really low and the archos here can be up to 160 GB
Display 800×480 pixels, 4.3” TFT LCD, 16 million colors
Touch screen
480×320 pixels,3.5 TFT The screen in the archos is really Good. You can enjoy the movie.
Video Mpeg 4, WMV, H.264,MPEG-2, Copy and Past Mpeg 4, WMV , H.265 and more. Max Resolution is 640×480, Using IPhone software The Archos support much more resolutions and files type. The same As Archos. Just copy and Paste your movie to the device
Audio Stereo MP3 decoding @ 30-320 Kbits/s CBR & VBR, WMA, Protected WMA, WAV (PCM/ADPCM). Frequency response: 20Hz to 20,000Hz Audio formats supported: AAC, Protected AAC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 1, 2, and 3), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV I like more the sound in the IPhone. There are some people that might say otherwise but this is my opinion.
PDF viewer Can read PDF File Can read PDF File Can Read PDF File
Video recording Via the optional DVR Station/ DVR Travel Adapter. Records NTSC/PAL/SECAM in MPEG-4 AVI format with stereo sound, VGA resolution (640 x 480) @ 30 or 25 f/s Can record video but with very low quality You can use your archos like a DVR or VCR. The recording is in good quality
GSM Doesn’t support al all Quad-band (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz) This is a really cool feature. No Doubt the IArchos should Have it
Connections WiFi
  • Wi-Fi
  • EDGE
  • Bluetooth 2.0+EDR
The IPhone has much more connections.
Browser Opera® Web browser and Adobe Flash® Player - support flash 7 at present. Safari Web Browser
Don’t support Flash
Both browser are good. The fact that the Archos support Flash is a big Advantage.
Camera Don’t have 2.0 megapixels This is a nice feature and the IArchos should have it.
Battery life: Music playback time: 17
Video playback time: 5.5
  • Talk time: 8h
  • Standby time: 250h
  • Internet use: 6h
  • Video playback: 7h
  • Audio playback:24h
The IPhone has a better battery.
Dimensions & weight: Avg 122 x 82 x 15 mm/4.8” x 3.2” x 0.6” (For 4/30GB* models) - 150gr/190gr
Avg 122 x 82 x 20 mm/4.8” x 3.2” x 0.75” (For 80/160GB* models) - 260gr
  • Height: 4.5 inches
  • Width: 2.4 inches
  • Depth: 0.46 inch Weight: 135 grams
The Archos is too big. I think that the IArchos need to be in the middle (The IPhone has small screen that you can’t really enjoy a movie). The IPhone is very slim and has low weight and this is a big advantage over the Archos.
Operation System customized version of Linux OS X There are much more Appz for the IPhone therefore I would say that the IArchos should have the same Operation system as the IPhone
User Interface Nice Amazing There is no doubt. The IPhone look much more attractive and has a great User Interface.
Prices 160 GB - $399
80GB - $349.99
30GB - $299.99
4GB Flash - $199.99
8GB - $399
16GB - $499
The price differences are huge. In the price of IPhone 8GB , you can buy an Archos with 160GB.

The IArchos Specification:

  • Capacity - Should be between 30-100 GB.
  • Display - 800×480 pixels, 4.0” TFT LCD, 16 million colors Touch screen with scratch resistant
  • Video - Mpeg 4, WMV, H.264,MPEG-2 - Should support up to Full HD Resolution.
  • Audio - Frequency response: 20Hz to 20,000Hz Audio formats supported: AAC, Protected AAC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 1, 2, and 3), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV.
  • PDF Viewer should be included.
  • Video Recording is a cool feature and it’s important that the device with external device can record like a DVR movies and clips.
  • GSM - Should support calling and getting a call
  • Connections - Should have WIFI, Bluetooth, EDGE and HSDPA (Missing in both products now but should be included)
  • Browser - The browser should support the current flash version.Safari and Opera are both good browsers so I don’t really care which one we will use.
  • Camera - The Camera should be at least 4.0 megapixels.
  • Battery life - Due to the fact that this product will be used all the time ( phone calls , video, audio and surfing the net) ,the battery life should be extremely good. The IPhone battery life is not bad but it should be better like :Talk time: 12h, Standby time: 250h, Internet use: 8h, Video playback: 8h, Audio playback:24h
  • Dimensions & weight: This device should be slim like the IPhone today and shouldn’t weight more than the IPhone.
  • Operation system - Due to the fact that the OS X system is more common there are more appz and games for this operation system therefore the IArchos should have it.
  • User Interface - The IPhone Interface is really attractive - It’s clear that the IArchos should have the same or a better one.
  • Prices - There is a big differences in the prices of two products. Anyway for a good product I am sure that many of the people will agree to pay more.
  • Missing Feature : GPRS - This is a feature that we don’t have right now in both product. IPhone plan to release the next version of the IPhone with it.

I hope that Archos and Apple will read this Article and we will see soon a product that has these specifications. There is no doubt that when a device like this will come out many of us will be happy to have one.

Portable Software

Friday, April 4th, 2008

A portable program is a piece of software that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any other computer. It can be your anti-virus , email program, system tool and even Operation system.

The program run directly from your external device (USB, IPOD or memory stick) and not require any installation on your computer.

What are the benefits of using such “Portable Software” ?

  • Leave a zero “footprint” on any PC \ Mac. After the program shut down All registry \ temporary files should be removed.
  • All Data can be saved in the external device.
  • These programs don’t mess our computer - they don’t take space \ affect the registry files and other components.
  • We can use this program in any computer , no matter if this software is installed there.

You can find many program that are portable like:Bablylon , Word ,UnInstaller 2008 ,Nero and even windows XP

Simple Actions how to improve your page rank in Google

Friday, April 4th, 2008

I didn’t understand how important this subject is until 3-4 months ago.

My brother created a new site for my father firm ( and when people looked for his main product in Google, my father firm appears in page 5.

I looked at the sites that located in the first result page and I saw that in all aspects my father site is better.

Well there are many sites out there that tell you how to improve your page rank and how to be number one in all the search engines but many of them eventually give you one or two tips that might help but it’s not enough to improve your site rank.

I decided to write below what I did to improve my rank in Google and in other search engine as well in order to improve my rank.

The Actions

1.Get Inbound Links

Since Google ranks your pages according to the number of links points at your page, it important that you should try to get as many links pointing at your pages as possible. Don’t think only about the big search engine like Yahoo, MSN , Google but to register in search engine that related to your fields.

2. Title

Google seems to give weight to the title of your page. If you want to improve your site rank, put the word inside the title tag. Please note that the number of characters in the title should not be too long (65-80 characters).

3. Alt Attributes:

Search Engine index the Alt attributes of the images as well therefore use them. If you haven’t used any at all, then a quick fix will be to start adding them to navigation and other elements on every page.

4. Link around:

Internal links to your pages are just as important as external links. Besides the usability gain, you have the unique opportunity of specifying your link and title text.

5. Keyword Density

It has often been observed that Google considers keyword density a large factor in ranking pages in search engine results, more so than many other search engines.

6. Homepage Navigation

It’s important that from your homepage you will be able to access all your sites pages

7. Keep your website up.
If your website is not accessible for an extended period of time, Google may reduce the ranking of your site.

8. Register in Google

The registration is easy, Just go to

9. Submit Sitemap

Enter to the webmaster tool in Google and submit your sitemap. This action will make sure that Google see all the pages in your site.

10. Make sure that all the relevant words can be found in your site

It’s important that all the relevant words will appear in the site content. Make sure that your product name \ brand \ profession will appear many times as you can.

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.