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Archive for the ‘multithreading’ Category

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

Another tip from Gal:"

Just a small tip that might have saved me a few good hours:

A Mutex can be released only by the thread that originally locked it.

A semaphore can be released by any thread.

I used a mutex at the beginning, while locking and releasing on different threads, and at the threadpool desire, got ("sometimes" is the WORST one) an

ApplicationException - Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code.

Usually this means that the mutex is not locked but still tries to be released – check this out.

But in my case (first remoting call locks an object and the second releases), it was just that a mutex was the wrong sync method, and a semaphore quickly solved the problem.

As mentioned in the link, the error message need some work."

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

According to the msdn documentation, the ThreadStatic attribute "Indicates that the value of a static field is unique for each thread."

A practical use for it can be a registrar implementation. A registrar can be used as a static entry point to store context data for say, a request that is being processed by several classes that need to share data.

Implementation example:

public static class Registrar
   private static Dictionary<string, object>
      m_registrar = null;

   private static Dictionary<string, object>
         if (m_registrar == null)
            m_registrar =
               new Dictionary<string, object>();
         return m_registrar;

   public static object Get(string key)
      return LocalDictionary[key];

   public static void Set(string key, object value)
      LocalDictionary[key] = value;

Now since the m_registrar is marked with ThreadStatic attribute, is static per thread, which means that no locking is required and no data corruption can occur.

A real world example for using such strategy is HttpContext.Items

Gilad pointed out two important points:

- ASP.NET is changing threads under the hood so don’t use it there since u will most probably get your data corrupted. The HttpContext knows how to handle that so use it.

- When using a thread pool, the threads are not killed and so when a thread completes execution and returned to the pool, the static data is still kept. In this case u should use an execution wrapper than clears the per thread static data after the thread complete execution.

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.