JAJAH Development Blog

Blogs by JAJAH Developers

Archive for the ‘WM Emulator’ Category

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

In a windows mobile device you can only view the running applications, and this is only if the application has a form. This means that you cannot view various processes that are running on a WM device, like you would be able to do on you PC, or Laptop using the "Task Manager’. fortunately, Visual Studio, has a solution for this problem:

Go to Visual Studio ->Remote Tools and select Remote Process Viewer

visual studio remote process viewer 

Select the device which you would like to see its processes.


you will get a window, with all process that are running on your Windows Mobile device. In this window you will be able to view the processes and kill them, just like you would be able to do with the regular Windows "Task Manager"  )

In addition to a list of processes, you can also see other info as threads, and from what module is the process.


Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.