JAJAH Development Blog

Blogs by JAJAH Developers

Archive for the ‘Tech Events’ Category

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Yesterday, Monday 12th of May, was our first event. it was held in a bar in Hertzelya Pituach.

Mobile Monday Tel Aviv Event MobileMonday Tel Aviv Event

The event was a big success. Much more people than we expected arrived. It was mostly a networking event, with an open bar and food such as sushi,  cheese and other good things. Orange, our annual sponsor also handed out gifts. Sorry for those who came late, and missed out…

As all the events (to come) of Mobile Monday Tel Aviv, the event had lectures. This time, since it was our opening event and we wanted to make it interesting to all participants, we had 2 general lectures; Ofir Yaffe, From Orange which talked about mobile product development and Yoav Lorch from Zlango, who talked about courtship, mating and reproduction with mobile operators. I hope these two lectures interested everyone, and if not, there was enough alcohol to make things happier :).

Me with Orens ToyI was happy to meet allot of new people and even more happy to see old friends. It was very nice to see Michael Poppler from Gips come to our event, while he is here in Israel.

Oren Todoros from Modu came with his small toy, which was a hit. I guess in our industry, The smaller, the better. )





Our next events will have a theme and will target different aspects of the mobile industry. If you would like to lecture or interested in a specific theme, let us know! you can or tell us on our .

The MoMo TLV Team

Hope you had fun like I did!

See you in the next MobileMonday Tel Aviv Event!

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

Last Wednesday I attended the HandyTech 2008 event. it was in Dizingof Center. the event was held by Handy and Pocket PC Freak. The event included various stands by companies such as Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and others and some key speakers, including Arne Hess, founder of The Unwired.

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The exhibitors stands were nothing special, the most interesting attraction was  the blond girls of Sumsung and SanDisk. To make things clear,  Im a girl, and a girl that is interested in technology, unfortunately there was nothing to interesting at the stands, for me at least.

The lectures were more interesting, Arne Hess And Helio Diamant (from Pocket PC Freak)  tried to demonstrate some cool things, but had some problems doing so, due to connectivity issues (the world of mobile is cool, but not 100% working… yet)

Arne Hess talked mainly about seeing multimedia files from home on your mobile device, using Place shift and SlingBox, something which I didn’t really relate to. Helio Diamant, talked about calling a specific phone number, receiving it as a VOIP call, using any SIM card, with any number and being able to exchange your SIM card, and still receive the call when calling the original phone number. (Changing SIM cards is done for  saving on roaming coasts). After talking to him at the end of the event he explained (since during the lecture I didn’t fully understand) that he was using both Gizmo and Fring to make this happen, probably something that only a gadget freak like him could do with just a bit of trouble. Gal Biran, From Microsoft, gave an interesting lecture on different new application to come out, and about cool things that Microsoft is doing for Windows Mobile. at some point during the lecture a blond stewardess offered snacks, Johnny Walker black label, and other nice alcoholic beverages.

At the end of the lectures, a wide variety of prizes where handed out to some of the lucky winners that came. I was surprised of the quality and amount of prizes, such as Navigation devices, mp4 players etc. Sadly I never win (

Awaiting for next year….

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.