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Upcoming hi-tech events in Israel

GarageGeeks hosting MySpacea crazy week of events is ahead of us.  even if you are not going to CTIA, there are allot of hi tech related events this week! (if you are going to CTIA, look below for my recommendations)  I don’t know if its because the Kinnernet camp or because the upcoming holidays. anyway, below you may find a list of upcoming events so it will be much more easier to track and not miss on something you would like to attend:

 24/3:  GarageGeeks hosting Allen Hurff from MySpace: although this event was yesterday, its worth mentioning it in the list, Allen gave a great lecture about Open Platform, Open Social and Open ID and got me thinking….

25/3 Pre-Kinnernet Get Together: a get together with the Kinnernet participants from Israel and overseas. the event will take place in Uptown (formerly Galina Beach Club), from 20:00 to 22:00 and is hosted by Genesis Partners & 013Netvision. first free drinks are free. to RSVP:

26/3-28/3 The annual Kinnernet camp: Will take place at  the see of Galilee. for more info:

29/9 COM.Vention09: The annual Internet convention of TheMarker. the convention will have two tracks; International track which will be in English and include speakers from the Kinnernet Camp, and an Israeli track, which will focus Israeli scene. For more info and registration:

29/3 Entrepreneur  Day: The first day (out of two) of the Entrepreneur Day, by MIT forum.  You will be able to hear about new strategies for Starting Up, Using IP for converting ideas into businesses and much more. For more details:

29/3 Post Kinnernet Party, hosted by the GarageGeeks. the event will start at 19:30 in the Geek Garage (40 Hapeled St, Holon)

30/3 Tel Aviv branch of the Startups and Societal Ventures Network. Speakers are not yet published. The events will start at 18:00 and will take place at HP Offices, Raanana:

30/3 GarageGeeks Sessions: Creative Commons Think Alike. The garage is busy this week! for info about this session:

31/3 Breakfast with Jeff Pulver: The breakfast is from 8:30 to 10:30, and will is held at ZOA House - 1 Daniel Frisch Tel-Aviv

31/3 Techonomy: Right after Jeff’s breakfast and in the same place! comfortable! The event will showcase new innovative startups that are aiming to change the way we think about Web2.0. The event is free but you need to RSVP at:

31/3 Yahoo! Developer Session: The session is hosted by’s and will discuss Yahoo! Developer Network and Open Strategy. The events starts at 19:00 and is at IDC.

1/4 Entrepreneur Day: The second day of the Entrepreneur Day, in this day there will be a highlight on getting Investments. for more info:

1/4 The Annual Morrison & Foerster IP Seminar: at this event you will be able to learn about he emerging marketplace for Intellectual Property. The event will take place the Hilton Hotel and is from 9:00 to 14:00. Registration:

1/4 IMA’s Knowledge Cafe: The topic is: “Cybercrime Threats: From Internet to Mobile”. the event will take place at Sun’s offices, from 13:30- 17:30. for agenda: for registration:

Let me know if I forgot something.

If you are planing on going to CTIA I recommend going to:

MobileMonday @ CTIA Wireless 2009:

The Mobile Mashup: The Glitterati After Party at CTIA hosted my MobileMonday New York:

Caroline’s WIP Jam: , I attended twice and was super inspiring!

WIP Jam After Party:

Tags: Allen Hurff, COM.Vention09, GarageGeeks, ima, Kinnernet, MobileMonday, Tech Events, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv Events, WIP Jam

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