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Archive for the ‘3GSM’ Category

My MWC (3GSM) 2008 Notes

Monday, March 17th, 2008


This was my first time at the Mobile World Congress (also known as 3GSM), which was held in Barcelona. I arrived straight to a mobile developer session called Mobile Jam Session. The event was hosted by Rudy de Waele of Dotopen/mTrends and Caroline Lewko of WIP, which did a wonderful job with her great humor, and was located on the 20th floor with a great view of Barcelona. The event was targeted to developers and discussed hot issues and problems. never the less it was very inspiring. I have met some great people in this event, the same people that I have spent most of my time with, and made the World Mobile Congress totally fun!

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After the Jam session we went to the Swedish beer Mobile Networking Event, Organized by the lovely Helen Keegen, probably  now called the Beer fairy, which indeed she was…The party was packed with happy people, mostly men… (is it a mans world out there???) one of the highlights of the party (for me), was meeting James Body from Truphone…

In order  for us to be well prepared for the Swedish hardcore event, we first had to have a proper tapas dinner


I woke up early in the morning ready for my next day (yes morning, not afternoon!).my day included walking around, seeing interesting technologies and devices (more about this in my next post) and attended the meeting, organized by Helen Keegen (yes, she’s done it again) and Gillian Kennedy. This time, Helen was more of a Cava fairy. It was a ladies event, which I’m sure all of you men would have loved to attend. well, there was one brave man that wasn’t threatened by smart and beautiful women :) The event included a variety of women in the mobile industry, starting from marketing and development to a business owner of a company for mobile porn content.

It was very surprising, but I, an energetic and a person that can always keep on talking could not talk or walk anymore. I had to have a quiet evening with chicken soup, and relax for my last day of the conference…


Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.