Blond Mobile

Upcoming Mobile Events



Next week, there are three mobile events. the first is the September Mobile Monday Tel Aviv (MoMo Tlv) event, and the theme is "Global mobile Partnership". for this event we have some special guest from abroad; Bill Gajda, Chief Commercial Officer, GSM Association, Stephane Gantchev, Head of Orange Trial Factory, Orange-France and Gian-Luca Cioletti, Head of BizDev EMEA,  Forum Nokia. the event will be on September 15th in Tel Aviv and as always will include free drinks and refreshments. for more info and registration visit


The second event, is a technical workshop that IMA are organizing with Forum Nokia. it’s on September 16th morning. it will include Nokia’s tools and SDK’s, development platforms such as J2me, Symbian, flash, widgest etc. The latest on S60 Platform, location API’s and much more. all sessions will be presented by Eero Bragge, from Forum Nokia. for more info please visit:


The third mobile event for next week is the GSMA Global Competition, where the winner of the competition will be announced. this event is with Carmel Ventures and is on September 16th, after the forum Nokia session, so if your quick you can make them both…. for more info please visit

Tags: Bill Gajda, Eero Bragge, Forum Nokia, Gian-Luca Cioletti, gsma, ima, mobile event, , , Stephane Gantchev

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