Blond Mobile

Mobile Monday Tel Aviv August event: Mobile Content

Yesterday we held the 3rd MoMo TLV event. It was at Mandy’s, on the Yarkon and the topic was mobile content. 130 guest came and orange handed out gifts. I spotted 3 blond women other than me, next event I promise to take a photo of blonds…,

momo TLV We had a speed lecture session; each person talked 15 min. we had a special guest from China - Ori Elraviv, Dragon ports Co-Founder, that talked about the mobile scene in china, and mostly answered question. Aviv Revach, Mominis Co-Founder, gave a short intro about mobile gaming. Guy Ami-Ad from Mobi, talked about mobile advertising and was charming as always, Aviad Rabinovich, Oranges Music Manager talked in addition to the regular "listening to music on your handset" about using your mobile for getting to know more music, music campaigns and song recognition, which I liked the most. It works by sending a part of a song recording to some server, and receiving the name of the band, song name and the album in a few seconds from the server. I was impressed, even more than seeing 3 other blonds in a mobile event.  I already know some sites that do something similar, such as WatZatSong, but in those sites you need to wait for users to recognize the song and say what it is. I don’t know what was the application that Aviad was using, but I liked it very much and Ill will find out… :)

As always we had an open bar, thanks to our sponsors Orange, BlueRun Amdocs and Eurocom.

More pictures from the event can be found .

Tags: aviad rabinovich, Aviv Revach, blond, Guy Amiad, mobile, mobile content, , MobileMonday Tel Aviv, , Ori Elraviv, Tel Aviv, watzatSong

2 Responses to “Mobile Monday Tel Aviv August event: Mobile Content”

  1. Nadav Shatz Says:

    I’m not sure how accurate it really is but you might be interested in the SongTapper:

  2. Yohay Says:

    It was indeed a cool event. The turnout was impressive and the music recognition software is very impressing.

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