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Archive for the ‘Mobile VoIP’ Category

Windows Mobile: Memory leaks and monitoring performance Tool (RPM)

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

As most of you know, JAJAH released a pre-installed Windows Mobile VoIP client for the Japanese EMobile operator.

While working on it, I checked for performance issues and memory leaks. This was critical since in addition to outgoing VoIP calls the application runs in the background and listens to incoming VoIP calls. In order to monitor the performance I used the .Net compact framework remote performance Monitor (RPM). this tool is easy to use, once you understand how to install and use it, and this is the reason for this post.


copy netcfrtl.dll and netcflaunch.exe  from C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft.NET\SDK\ CompactFramework\ v2.0\ WindowsCE\wce500\armv4i to the Windows directory on your device. (to copy from your desktop to your windows mobile device use ActiveSync)

Running the PRM:

Connect your device to the desktop using ActiveSync

Open NetCFRPM.exe from C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v2.0\bin

Select "File" and then "Live Counters"


In the device box select "ActiveSync"  and in the "application" box enter your application you wish to test. Press "connect". the application will start and you will see the changing counters.

for more details about the counters check out David Kline’s post

image image

Using this view you can see the counters change and see what’s going on. to make things easier to monitor, you can have a view of the heap at real time and compare the GC heap at different intervals.

imageGC Heap View:

Click "View GC Heap" to view the heap status. In this view you can see the number of instances  each object has and the memory it consommes. you may also see the root object that is keeping the object alive, i.e. what is the object that holds a reference to the object and hence its not garbage collected.




imageComparing heap states

Its very helpfully comparing different heap states over time. This can help you see the difference in object over time and help you find leaks in various states of your application. When interested to know the heap state click "View GC Heap". when you want to compare the heaps memory states go to "View" and then select "Compare Heap". this view allows you to view the difference in object during the run time.

MobileMonday Tel Aviv; Mobile VoIP Event

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

MobileMonday TLV Last Monday was the second event of Mobile Monday Tel Aviv. The theme was mobile VoIp, a theme close to me. Although sceduled to start the lectures at 19:30, we started at 20:00, half an hour late, due to guests that were still arriving. I think that for the next MoMo event we should allow more time till the lectures start….:) on the bar were cool blue shot glasses courtesy of Sun.

We started with a lecture of Yossi Cohen from DSP-IP, that talked about Mobile VoIP technology and Mobile VoIP business models (lecture can be found ). After the lecture we had a panel with Tzahi Efrat from Jajah, Roy Timor-Rousso from Fring and Oded Goldenberg from Skuku that presented the VoIP companies and Yossi Hasson from BlueRun that presented a venture capital company. Having Jajah and Fring at the same table, makes you feel that Truphone are missing. although Truphone wanted to be at this Mobile Monday VoIP event, they could not make it. lucky us, James Tagg and James Body from Truphone were in Israel prior to the Mobile VoIP MoMo Event, and James Tagg answered the same questions on video. The video was filmed by James Body with my home camera at Jajah’s offices and I was asking the questions. I apologize for the bad quality :)

We had an interesting discussion on how mobile VoIP companies make their revenue, relations with operators and the future of mobile VoIP. It was intersting to know, that JAJAH, Skuku and Truphone make money, but Fring do not make money AND do not intended of making money. they have money from their VC. We had Yossi from BlueRun answer what is the reason for investing in a company that does not have any revenue. Does this mean that Fring will keep on receiving more and more founding from investors or at some point they will finish all their money and will have to close?

We had fun, interest, new acquaintances, drinks and blue shot glasses!

We are planing the next MoMo TLV event and looking for the next air conditioned location…if you have any suggestions, please email me!

See you in the next MoMo TLV event!

MobileMonday Tel Aviv Next Event; Mobile VoIP

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

mobile monday tel aviv Our next event is taking place on the first Monday of July - July 7th. there are 2 exciting things about this event - well actually 3: the first is that its in Tel Aviv (yes! we are called MoMo TLV but the first event was in Herzeliya) the second is that the theme is VoIP, which is a theme close to me - after all I work at JAJAH, and the third- well that’s a secret - you will have to come and see, its a very nice surprise…

Joining us for this event are Fring and JAJAH that represent Mobile VoIP companies, Orange that represents the Mobile Operators and Blue run the represent the Venture capital side. It should be interesting…

In addition to the above goodies, Yossi Cohen from DSP-IP will give an intro lecture about trends in Mobile VoIP and Modules. We will be serving drinks snacks, appetizers and more drinks to make things happy and fun.

I will be moderating the panel - very exciting!

Wish me luck!

More info about the event can be found on the Facebook event (we love the Facebook event application!)  the event is free, and there is free parking but you need to register on Facebook. if you do not have a Facebook account email me to jasmine_aha[at]hotmail[dot]com

See you there!!   .

Jajah and Truphone sound great together!

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008


TruphoneToday I had a very fun phone call, with James Body from Truphone. We had a JAJAH - Truphone call.


JAJAHJames used the JAJAH Buttons feature, just by clicking a link from my email. he asked to get the call to his Truphone number, and I received the call on my mobile device. By using the JAJAH Button feature, although he was the one to initiate the call, he did not need to pay for the call, and on my side it was a very cheap call. Since the call was not only a VOIP call but more of a PSTN- VOIP call, the call was very cheap and not a free call.

The sound quality  was excellent! there were no delays nor echoes during the entire call (which was somewhat long…). When James told me he is using his Truphone number, i.e. the Internet, I was very much surprised!

We did good!, hopefully in the upcoming years most communication will be VOIP which will eventually save us the cost of roaming (mostly for incoming calls).

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.