Blond Mobile

Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

MobileMonday Tel Aviv Next Event; Mobile VoIP

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

mobile monday tel aviv Our next event is taking place on the first Monday of July - July 7th. there are 2 exciting things about this event - well actually 3: the first is that its in Tel Aviv (yes! we are called MoMo TLV but the first event was in Herzeliya) the second is that the theme is VoIP, which is a theme close to me - after all I work at JAJAH, and the third- well that’s a secret - you will have to come and see, its a very nice surprise…

Joining us for this event are Fring and JAJAH that represent Mobile VoIP companies, Orange that represents the Mobile Operators and Blue run the represent the Venture capital side. It should be interesting…

In addition to the above goodies, Yossi Cohen from DSP-IP will give an intro lecture about trends in Mobile VoIP and Modules. We will be serving drinks snacks, appetizers and more drinks to make things happy and fun.

I will be moderating the panel - very exciting!

Wish me luck!

More info about the event can be found on the Facebook event (we love the Facebook event application!)  the event is free, and there is free parking but you need to register on Facebook. if you do not have a Facebook account email me to jasmine_aha[at]hotmail[dot]com

See you there!!   .

Facebook: how to create a gift application for facebook in 3 minutes

Saturday, June 14th, 2008

Facebook For some time, I wanted to create some application for . I usually dont like must of the applications, but I encountered a really cool gift application called .

In order to reveal new gifts, you need to send friends gifts, and since I was very intrigued to see the available gifts… I find myself using that application allot…

In the top of the application I noticed an option to create your own gift. clicking on the link, I got a wizard application called . This is a wizard for creating an application without needing to have the knowledge of a developer, or in my case PHP. (although I know many things, I didn’t get the chance of working with PHP…yet…)

So to make things short, what you need to do is this:

1- Install the make gift application

2- Follow the instructions

3- That’s it!

The instructions are very simple and well explained. I whish all program installations would be clear as the instructions in this wizard (including the .Net Web Services Wizard…).

In the process of creating your gift application you first uploads the images - a.k.a the gifts, then you install the and you are left with 3 simple and clear stages, that the guides you through:.

1- Create a new application in Facebook

Creating app in Facebook

2- Update the Gift maker application with the Facebook Keys

Creating app in Facebook

3- Update the resulting application URL in the Facebook application

Creating app in Facebook

Have Fun!, and no, Im not telling what is my  gift application :)

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.