Blond Mobile

Posts Tagged ‘Mobile Monday Tel Aviv’

Mobile Monday September Event- Global Mobile partnerships

Friday, September 26th, 2008

last week we  had the 4th MoMo TLV event. it was in Tel Aviv, at the Mandy’s.

The event included special guest from abroad and was full. this was the first time that we actually had a waiting list. Orange handed out some very cool beer glasses and books (beer and books go great together). There where allot of women. This time I counted 14 women, which 4 of them, not including me were blond.  I was very happy to know, that the blond women where not only smart but in a high managing position. for example  Nurit Roth, Co-Founder and Director at 3DVU and Tami Bronner, CEO of Cellerium . girl power! or even better, blond girl power! :)

mo mo tlv 

Michal Carmi, Tripletec CEO - another smart blond :)

In addition to the speakers, Eero Bragge, Senior technical consultant, from forum Nokia attended and was nice enough to let me ask him allot of technical Symbian related question, even though a day after the MoMo TLV event he was the key lecturer of the IMA technical session. as always we had refreshments and a fun atmosphere..

for more pictures please visit

Upcoming Mobile Events

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008



Next week, there are three mobile events. the first is the September Mobile Monday Tel Aviv (MoMo Tlv) event, and the theme is "Global mobile Partnership". for this event we have some special guest from abroad; Bill Gajda, Chief Commercial Officer, GSM Association, Stephane Gantchev, Head of Orange Trial Factory, Orange-France and Gian-Luca Cioletti, Head of BizDev EMEA,  Forum Nokia. the event will be on September 15th in Tel Aviv and as always will include free drinks and refreshments. for more info and registration visit


The second event, is a technical workshop that IMA are organizing with Forum Nokia. it’s on September 16th morning. it will include Nokia’s tools and SDK’s, development platforms such as J2me, Symbian, flash, widgest etc. The latest on S60 Platform, location API’s and much more. all sessions will be presented by Eero Bragge, from Forum Nokia. for more info please visit:


The third mobile event for next week is the GSMA Global Competition, where the winner of the competition will be announced. this event is with Carmel Ventures and is on September 16th, after the forum Nokia session, so if your quick you can make them both…. for more info please visit

Mobile Monday Tel Aviv August event: Mobile Content

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Yesterday we held the 3rd MoMo TLV event. It was at Mandy’s, on the Yarkon and the topic was mobile content. 130 guest came and orange handed out gifts. I spotted 3 blond women other than me, next event I promise to take a photo of blonds…,

momo TLV We had a speed lecture session; each person talked 15 min. we had a special guest from China - Ori Elraviv, Dragon ports Co-Founder, that talked about the mobile scene in china, and mostly answered question. Aviv Revach, Mominis Co-Founder, gave a short intro about mobile gaming. Guy Ami-Ad from Mobi, talked about mobile advertising and was charming as always, Aviad Rabinovich, Oranges Music Manager talked in addition to the regular "listening to music on your handset" about using your mobile for getting to know more music, music campaigns and song recognition, which I liked the most. It works by sending a part of a song recording to some server, and receiving the name of the band, song name and the album in a few seconds from the server. I was impressed, even more than seeing 3 other blonds in a mobile event.  I already know some sites that do something similar, such as WatZatSong, but in those sites you need to wait for users to recognize the song and say what it is. I don’t know what was the application that Aviad was using, but I liked it very much and Ill will find out… :)

As always we had an open bar, thanks to our sponsors Orange, BlueRun Amdocs and Eurocom.

More pictures from the event can be found .

MobileMonday Tel Aviv; Mobile VoIP Event

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

MobileMonday TLV Last Monday was the second event of Mobile Monday Tel Aviv. The theme was mobile VoIp, a theme close to me. Although sceduled to start the lectures at 19:30, we started at 20:00, half an hour late, due to guests that were still arriving. I think that for the next MoMo event we should allow more time till the lectures start….:) on the bar were cool blue shot glasses courtesy of Sun.

We started with a lecture of Yossi Cohen from DSP-IP, that talked about Mobile VoIP technology and Mobile VoIP business models (lecture can be found ). After the lecture we had a panel with Tzahi Efrat from Jajah, Roy Timor-Rousso from Fring and Oded Goldenberg from Skuku that presented the VoIP companies and Yossi Hasson from BlueRun that presented a venture capital company. Having Jajah and Fring at the same table, makes you feel that Truphone are missing. although Truphone wanted to be at this Mobile Monday VoIP event, they could not make it. lucky us, James Tagg and James Body from Truphone were in Israel prior to the Mobile VoIP MoMo Event, and James Tagg answered the same questions on video. The video was filmed by James Body with my home camera at Jajah’s offices and I was asking the questions. I apologize for the bad quality :)

We had an interesting discussion on how mobile VoIP companies make their revenue, relations with operators and the future of mobile VoIP. It was intersting to know, that JAJAH, Skuku and Truphone make money, but Fring do not make money AND do not intended of making money. they have money from their VC. We had Yossi from BlueRun answer what is the reason for investing in a company that does not have any revenue. Does this mean that Fring will keep on receiving more and more founding from investors or at some point they will finish all their money and will have to close?

We had fun, interest, new acquaintances, drinks and blue shot glasses!

We are planing the next MoMo TLV event and looking for the next air conditioned location…if you have any suggestions, please email me!

See you in the next MoMo TLV event!

MobileMonday Tel Aviv Next Event; Mobile VoIP

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

mobile monday tel aviv Our next event is taking place on the first Monday of July - July 7th. there are 2 exciting things about this event - well actually 3: the first is that its in Tel Aviv (yes! we are called MoMo TLV but the first event was in Herzeliya) the second is that the theme is VoIP, which is a theme close to me - after all I work at JAJAH, and the third- well that’s a secret - you will have to come and see, its a very nice surprise…

Joining us for this event are Fring and JAJAH that represent Mobile VoIP companies, Orange that represents the Mobile Operators and Blue run the represent the Venture capital side. It should be interesting…

In addition to the above goodies, Yossi Cohen from DSP-IP will give an intro lecture about trends in Mobile VoIP and Modules. We will be serving drinks snacks, appetizers and more drinks to make things happy and fun.

I will be moderating the panel - very exciting!

Wish me luck!

More info about the event can be found on the Facebook event (we love the Facebook event application!)  the event is free, and there is free parking but you need to register on Facebook. if you do not have a Facebook account email me to jasmine_aha[at]hotmail[dot]com

See you there!!   .

MobileMonday Tel Aviv: Launch Event

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Yesterday, Monday 12th of May, was our first event. it was held in a bar in Hertzelya Pituach.

Mobile Monday Tel Aviv Event MobileMonday Tel Aviv Event

The event was a big success. Much more people than we expected arrived. It was mostly a networking event, with an open bar and food such as sushi,  cheese and other good things. Orange, our annual sponsor also handed out gifts. Sorry for those who came late, and missed out…

As all the events (to come) of Mobile Monday Tel Aviv, the event had lectures. This time, since it was our opening event and we wanted to make it interesting to all participants, we had 2 general lectures; Ofir Yaffe, From Orange which talked about mobile product development and Yoav Lorch from Zlango, who talked about courtship, mating and reproduction with mobile operators. I hope these two lectures interested everyone, and if not, there was enough alcohol to make things happier :).

Me with Orens ToyI was happy to meet allot of new people and even more happy to see old friends. It was very nice to see Michael Poppler from Gips come to our event, while he is here in Israel.

Oren Todoros from Modu came with his small toy, which was a hit. I guess in our industry, The smaller, the better. :)

Our next events will have a theme and will target different aspects of the mobile industry. If you would like to lecture or interested in a specific theme, let us know! you can or tell us on our .

The MoMo TLV Team

Hope you had fun like I did!

See you in the next MobileMonday Tel Aviv Event!

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.