I used regular expression to filter the strings. For this purpose I created two functions:
RemoveExtraSpaces - Remove extra spaces from string. The function allow only one space between each word.
CountWords - The function return number of words in a string. It use the function RemoveExtraSpaces and use regular expression to remove HTML Code , New Lines and Dividers.
/// This function remove Extra spaces , the Regular expression is
looking for white spaces that appears 2 times and more
/// This is the string that we want to check
private string RemoveExtraSpaces(string s)
Regex FindExtraSpace = new Regex("\\s{2,}");
return FindExtraSpace.Replace(s, " ");
/// This function return the number of words in a string that are
/// separated by space
/// The text that we want to check
public int CountWords(string strText)
string exp = "#;#";
// The expression look for Html and new lines and the divider that
// we define before
Regex Match = new Regex("<[^>]+>|" + exp + "|\r\n|\n");
// Replace the tags with an empty string so they are not
// considered in count
strText = Match.Replace(strText, "");
// Remove the extra Spaces
strText = RemoveExtraSpaces(strText);
// Count the words in the string by splitting them wherever a
// space is found
return strText.Split(' ').Length;
Private void regExample()
{ string str = “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father prepare to die.”;
string exp = @”\binigo\b”;
Regex ex1 = new Regex(exp,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// /b in the end and in the begining means that the word is Inigo and not part as other words like Inigojbkbj
// Moreover the option IgnoreCase mean that there is no meaning to the letters case.
// Match can give you more data where this string is located
Match match = ex1.Match(str);
Console.WriteLine(“Found string ‘” + match.Captures[0].Value + “‘ in:” + match.Captures[0].Index);
Console.WriteLine(ex1.Replace(str, “David”));
// Let’s find Inigo and afterward somewhere in the string should appear the word father
Regex ex2 = new Regex(@”\bInigo\b.*\bfather\b”);
match = ex2.Match(str);
foreach (Capture c in match.Captures)
Console.WriteLine(“Found the pattern in:” + c.Value + ” in Index: “ + c.Index);
Special Characters that can help us search a pattern:
Matches at the position between a word character
/blior/b mean that the search will look for the word lior
| |
Causes the regex engine to match either the part on the left side, or the part on the right side
Abc | def – check for abc or def
. |
Match any single character
Ab. à
can be ab or abc , and and so on..
^ |
Matches at the start of the string
^ab – the string need to start with ab
Accept any character expect the characters in bracket
[^d-f] – expect all charcters d or e or f
Verify the end of the string
Def$ - check if the string end with def
* |
Repeats the previous item zero or more times
a* - a,aa,aaa,aaaa,aaaaaaa
Repeat the previous item one or more times |
a+ - aa,aaaa,aaaaaa
Zero or one of the preceding item
Dogs? -> dog, dogs
where n is an integer >= 1
B{2} = bb
where n >= 0 and m >= n
B{2,4} = bb,bbb,bbbb
{n,} |
Repeat the previous item at least n times
D{2} = dd, dddd and so on.
Any number
Any number or letter
1,2,3,a,b,d,g and so on.
Match any whitespace character