JAJAH Development Blog
- Compile your application as usual. If you wish, you can later add profiler-attribute later for fine tuning the profiler.
- Use the profiler to build a profiled version of your application. The profiled assemblies are typically 30% larger than the original and runs 30% slower. I believe that for most apps that is acceptable.
- Deploy the profiled version and run it on your device. Your device doesn’t have to be connected via the ActiveSync for this step. After the application finished, find the report file. Usually, it will be be on ‘Temp’ folder or on SD card if you have one.
- Drag the report file to your desktop, and from there, to the profiler viewer.
- After a few minutes, people around you would probably find you mumbling “OMG, what the…?, I didn’t believe it takes so much time! And why the hell this method is called so many times”.
- Find out your bottle-necks methods. This could be methods that takes long time to execute, or relativity fast methods that are called numerous times.
- Find out what happens inside your code. You might realize that you overlooked some calls to method that consumes most of the application time.
- Prioritize your work. The 80-20 rule will work here. You’ll find out that most of the delays are trackable and easy to resolve.
Count words Using Regular Expression
June 28th, 2008I used regular expression to filter the strings. For this purpose I created two functions:
RemoveExtraSpaces - Remove extra spaces from string. The function allow only one space between each word.
CountWords - The function return number of words in a string. It use the function RemoveExtraSpaces and use regular expression to remove HTML Code , New Lines and Dividers.
/// This function remove Extra spaces , the Regular expression is
looking for white spaces that appears 2 times and more
/// This is the string that we want to check
private string RemoveExtraSpaces(string s)
Regex FindExtraSpace = new Regex("\\s{2,}");
return FindExtraSpace.Replace(s, " ");
/// This function return the number of words in a string that are
/// separated by space
/// The text that we want to check
public int CountWords(string strText)
string exp = "#;#";
// The expression look for Html and new lines and the divider that
// we define before
Regex Match = new Regex("<[^>]+>|" + exp + "|\r\n|\n");
// Replace the tags with an empty string so they are not
// considered in count
strText = Match.Replace(strText, "");
// Remove the extra Spaces
strText = RemoveExtraSpaces(strText);
// Count the words in the string by splitting them wherever a
// space is found
return strText.Split(' ').Length;
Regular Expression in C#
June 25th, 2008Private void regExample()
{ string str = “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father prepare to die.”;
string exp = @”\binigo\b”;
Regex ex1 = new Regex(exp,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// /b in the end and in the begining means that the word is Inigo and not part as other words like Inigojbkbj
// Moreover the option IgnoreCase mean that there is no meaning to the letters case.
// Match can give you more data where this string is located
Match match = ex1.Match(str);
Console.WriteLine(“Found string ‘” + match.Captures[0].Value + “‘ in:” + match.Captures[0].Index);
Console.WriteLine(ex1.Replace(str, “David”));
// Let’s find Inigo and afterward somewhere in the string should appear the word father
Regex ex2 = new Regex(@”\bInigo\b.*\bfather\b”);
match = ex2.Match(str);
foreach (Capture c in match.Captures)
Console.WriteLine(“Found the pattern in:” + c.Value + ” in Index: “ + c.Index);
Special Characters that can help us search a pattern:
Matches at the position between a word character
/blior/b mean that the search will look for the word lior
| |
Causes the regex engine to match either the part on the left side, or the part on the right side
Abc | def – check for abc or def
. |
Match any single character
Ab. à
can be ab or abc , and and so on..
^ |
Matches at the start of the string
^ab – the string need to start with ab
Accept any character expect the characters in bracket
[^d-f] – expect all charcters d or e or f
Verify the end of the string
Def$ - check if the string end with def
* |
Repeats the previous item zero or more times
a* - a,aa,aaa,aaaa,aaaaaaa
Repeat the previous item one or more times |
a+ - aa,aaaa,aaaaaa
Zero or one of the preceding item
Dogs? -> dog, dogs
where n is an integer >= 1
B{2} = bb
where n >= 0 and m >= n
B{2,4} = bb,bbb,bbbb
{n,} |
Repeat the previous item at least n times
D{2} = dd, dddd and so on.
Any number
Any number or letter
1,2,3,a,b,d,g and so on.
Match any whitespace character