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For Women Only; F5 - Refreshing women venture’s First meeting

Nowadays, the hitech industry is having more and more women, especially in Israel. I guess it’s something to do with the Multitasking and passionate features that women have.

Usually, when going to some technology event, most of the attendees are men. Of course, in some cases there are allot of blond girls which are called Nokia or Samsung girls, but I’m not referring to them. :)

My first women event was held in a beautiful hotel in Barcelona, drinking Cava and very women-like.  it was organized by the group, or should I say   Helen Keegen and Gillian Kennedy, which are also organizing , on the first of July, in London. Unfortunately I cannot attend that one- after all it’s in London. Happily enough, we have Liat Vardi who is organizing a , for hitech & web entrepreneur women. The group is called F5- Refreshing Women Ventures, and its goal is to inspire women, help get professional advice and support, as well as networking, so events will include lectures and will take place at the end of every month. I think this is a huge step for women in the Hitech industry in Israel - Thank you Liat, I’m so excited!

The first meeting will take place on June 26th, in Tel Aviv.

Facebook Event link:

Meeting’s Schedule:

19:30-20:00 Mingling+ dinner

20:00-20:30 Networking

20:30-21:15 Ms. Miriam Schwab-" Using Blogs and SEO to Promote your Business"

21:15-21:30 Q+ A

There are only 5 places left! If you want to come please email Liat Vardi at LiatVardi [at] gmail[dot] com  as soon as possible with the following details:

Full name
Occupation – where do you work/what is your venture about?
Your blog/website
Cell no.
Mail address

I’m there!!

* I would personally like to thank Edward Resnick from Sun, that helped make this happen and also helped MoMo TLV

Tags: Edward Resnick, Events, F5, Gillian Kennedy, Helen Keegen, Liat Vardi, Tech Events, Women Only

5 Responses to “For Women Only; F5 - Refreshing women venture’s First meeting”

  1. Yohay Says:

    Nice to see that there are such events.
    Will we read a report from the event?

  2. liat vardi Says:


  3. Yohay Says:

    I’m curious to hear about the meeting, especially after reading this article (Hebrew) that explains how female geeks are now considered very sexy…

  4. For women Only; a none testosterone event in the hitech world Says:

    [...] The F5 - Refreshing women venture’s First meeting was on Thursday. it was organized by Liat Vardi and sponsored by Sun. [...]

  5. JAJAH Development Blog » Blog Archive » For women Only; a none testosterone event in the hitech world Says:

    [...] women Only; a none testosterone event in the hitech world   The F5 - Refreshing women venture’s First meeting was on Thursday. it was organized by Liat Vardi and sponsored by Sun. I arrived late, due to a major traffic jam  [...]

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