Blond Mobile

Pelephone disappoints in TheMarker Com.Vention

March 30th, 2009

Yesterday I attended TheMarker annual web convention, Com.vention09. when I arrived, a girl approached me and informed me that Pelephone are giving away the Palm. As I’ve been awaiting for the Palm Pre, and knowing that it will distributed via Pelephone, I got super excited and even ready to buy it! When I got to Pelephones stand I asked about it, and after taking a good look at the phone  I said; This is not the Palm Pre!

Well, it seems that Pre and Pro sound rather similar. After explaining to the sales person why this phone is not the Pre, he said, “Yes, the Pre will only be available in September”  and explained how good is the Palm Pro. Since I was there already, I played a game. I was impressed that Pelephone had such a big stand, and thought to myself that its probably due to the new technology they are marketing : High Speed GSM, which is actually HSDPA (where did they get that name!?!).

pelephone small print palm At the end of the convention, I went up to meet a friend near the Pelephone stand, One of the girls told me I can play as much as I’d like (woohoo). surprisingly enough, I had won! I was shocked, I have never won before. I went to get my prize, and found out that in order to get my prize I need to sign up to Pelephone for 36 months and pay 70 NIS per month!!!, which is 2520 NIS!!!, doesn’t sound like a prize to me!. After talking a bit with the sales guy he said the problem is that I have a different operators phone and that I need to have a Pelephone subscription in order to be legible for the prize. sounds fair enough. As Pelephone charges me for some unknown reason for the past two years, I was actually happy.  I have two numbers subscribed to Pelephone, which I haven’t been using for periods of three and five years yet they’ve been charging me 60 NIS per two months. As me being one of those costumers that don’t want to wait 2 hours on the phone, I just let them charge me 30 NIS a month. finally I thought it was worth it. I could get the phone for 30 NIS a month, and still keep my Orange number. But it seemed that the ONLY package I could get in order to receive my **FREE* phone was the  70 NIS or up packages. It was to expensive to get the free mobile phone. I would actually prefer not to win a FREE phone and get all disappointed. After this incident, I’m going to wait on the phone how ever much it takes and cancel my 2 subscriptions to Pelephone. Although it does say on the small print that you need to subscribe to Pelephone, it does make you feel stupid that they make you pay a big amount and change your subscription package to a more expensive package. Shame on Pelephon!

Upcoming hi-tech events in Israel

March 25th, 2009

GarageGeeks hosting MySpacea crazy week of events is ahead of us.  even if you are not going to CTIA, there are allot of hi tech related events this week! (if you are going to CTIA, look below for my recommendations)  I don’t know if its because the Kinnernet camp or because the upcoming holidays. anyway, below you may find a list of upcoming events so it will be much more easier to track and not miss on something you would like to attend:

 24/3:  GarageGeeks hosting Allen Hurff from MySpace: although this event was yesterday, its worth mentioning it in the list, Allen gave a great lecture about Open Platform, Open Social and Open ID and got me thinking….

25/3 Pre-Kinnernet Get Together: a get together with the Kinnernet participants from Israel and overseas. the event will take place in Uptown (formerly Galina Beach Club), from 20:00 to 22:00 and is hosted by Genesis Partners & 013Netvision. first free drinks are free. to RSVP:

26/3-28/3 The annual Kinnernet camp: Will take place at  the see of Galilee. for more info:

29/9 COM.Vention09: The annual Internet convention of TheMarker. the convention will have two tracks; International track which will be in English and include speakers from the Kinnernet Camp, and an Israeli track, which will focus Israeli scene. For more info and registration:

29/3 Entrepreneur  Day: The first day (out of two) of the Entrepreneur Day, by MIT forum.  You will be able to hear about new strategies for Starting Up, Using IP for converting ideas into businesses and much more. For more details:

29/3 Post Kinnernet Party, hosted by the GarageGeeks. the event will start at 19:30 in the Geek Garage (40 Hapeled St, Holon)

30/3 Tel Aviv branch of the Startups and Societal Ventures Network. Speakers are not yet published. The events will start at 18:00 and will take place at HP Offices, Raanana:

30/3 GarageGeeks Sessions: Creative Commons Think Alike. The garage is busy this week! for info about this session:

31/3 Breakfast with Jeff Pulver: The breakfast is from 8:30 to 10:30, and will is held at ZOA House - 1 Daniel Frisch Tel-Aviv

31/3 Techonomy: Right after Jeff’s breakfast and in the same place! comfortable! The event will showcase new innovative startups that are aiming to change the way we think about Web2.0. The event is free but you need to RSVP at:

31/3 Yahoo! Developer Session: The session is hosted by’s and will discuss Yahoo! Developer Network and Open Strategy. The events starts at 19:00 and is at IDC.

1/4 Entrepreneur Day: The second day of the Entrepreneur Day, in this day there will be a highlight on getting Investments. for more info:

1/4 The Annual Morrison & Foerster IP Seminar: at this event you will be able to learn about he emerging marketplace for Intellectual Property. The event will take place the Hilton Hotel and is from 9:00 to 14:00. Registration:

1/4 IMA’s Knowledge Cafe: The topic is: “Cybercrime Threats: From Internet to Mobile”. the event will take place at Sun’s offices, from 13:30- 17:30. for agenda: for registration:

Let me know if I forgot something.

If you are planing on going to CTIA I recommend going to:

MobileMonday @ CTIA Wireless 2009:

The Mobile Mashup: The Glitterati After Party at CTIA hosted my MobileMonday New York:

Caroline’s WIP Jam: , I attended twice and was super inspiring!

WIP Jam After Party:

MobileMonday Peer Awards at MWC 2009, Barcelona

March 17th, 2009


MoMo Peer AwardsThe Mobile Monday Peer Awards where held during the MWC 2009. Different MobileMonday chapters from all over the world sent their chosen startup. Each startup had 3 minutes to introduce themselves. My favorite presentation was by Jaime Lanchares, Unkasoft CEO.  In his presentation he “talked” to his application and demonstrated what the application can do…  I recommend you at his presentation . The Tel Aviv chapter sent Fring, which started as a mobile VoIP client, and enhanced to a mobile clients that allows various ways of interactions with your contacts. There were three award categories; jury award, audience award and the chapter award. PopCatcher won the jury award,  Unkasoft won the audience award, as I said before the presentation was amazing! Fring won the chapter award and also got second place in the jury awards.

following the presentations there was a cocktail party, where I got the opportunity to meet some very interesting  people…

MobileMonday Peer Awards     MoMo Peer Awards

Mobile Monday September Event- Global Mobile partnerships

September 26th, 2008

last week we  had the 4th MoMo TLV event. it was in Tel Aviv, at the Mandy’s.

The event included special guest from abroad and was full. this was the first time that we actually had a waiting list. Orange handed out some very cool beer glasses and books (beer and books go great together). There where allot of women. This time I counted 14 women, which 4 of them, not including me were blond.  I was very happy to know, that the blond women where not only smart but in a high managing position. for example  Nurit Roth, Co-Founder and Director at 3DVU and Tami Bronner, CEO of Cellerium . girl power! or even better, blond girl power! :)

mo mo tlv 

Michal Carmi, Tripletec CEO - another smart blond :)

In addition to the speakers, Eero Bragge, Senior technical consultant, from forum Nokia attended and was nice enough to let me ask him allot of technical Symbian related question, even though a day after the MoMo TLV event he was the key lecturer of the IMA technical session. as always we had refreshments and a fun atmosphere..

for more pictures please visit

Upcoming Mobile Events

September 10th, 2008



Next week, there are three mobile events. the first is the September Mobile Monday Tel Aviv (MoMo Tlv) event, and the theme is "Global mobile Partnership". for this event we have some special guest from abroad; Bill Gajda, Chief Commercial Officer, GSM Association, Stephane Gantchev, Head of Orange Trial Factory, Orange-France and Gian-Luca Cioletti, Head of BizDev EMEA,  Forum Nokia. the event will be on September 15th in Tel Aviv and as always will include free drinks and refreshments. for more info and registration visit


The second event, is a technical workshop that IMA are organizing with Forum Nokia. it’s on September 16th morning. it will include Nokia’s tools and SDK’s, development platforms such as J2me, Symbian, flash, widgest etc. The latest on S60 Platform, location API’s and much more. all sessions will be presented by Eero Bragge, from Forum Nokia. for more info please visit:


The third mobile event for next week is the GSMA Global Competition, where the winner of the competition will be announced. this event is with Carmel Ventures and is on September 16th, after the forum Nokia session, so if your quick you can make them both…. for more info please visit

Mobile Monday Tel Aviv August event: Mobile Content

August 19th, 2008

Yesterday we held the 3rd MoMo TLV event. It was at Mandy’s, on the Yarkon and the topic was mobile content. 130 guest came and orange handed out gifts. I spotted 3 blond women other than me, next event I promise to take a photo of blonds…,

momo TLV We had a speed lecture session; each person talked 15 min. we had a special guest from China - Ori Elraviv, Dragon ports Co-Founder, that talked about the mobile scene in china, and mostly answered question. Aviv Revach, Mominis Co-Founder, gave a short intro about mobile gaming. Guy Ami-Ad from Mobi, talked about mobile advertising and was charming as always, Aviad Rabinovich, Oranges Music Manager talked in addition to the regular "listening to music on your handset" about using your mobile for getting to know more music, music campaigns and song recognition, which I liked the most. It works by sending a part of a song recording to some server, and receiving the name of the band, song name and the album in a few seconds from the server. I was impressed, even more than seeing 3 other blonds in a mobile event.  I already know some sites that do something similar, such as WatZatSong, but in those sites you need to wait for users to recognize the song and say what it is. I don’t know what was the application that Aviad was using, but I liked it very much and Ill will find out… :)

As always we had an open bar, thanks to our sponsors Orange, BlueRun Amdocs and Eurocom.

More pictures from the event can be found .

Windows Mobile: Memory leaks and monitoring performance Tool (RPM)

August 19th, 2008

As most of you know, JAJAH released a pre-installed Windows Mobile VoIP client for the Japanese EMobile operator.

While working on it, I checked for performance issues and memory leaks. This was critical since in addition to outgoing VoIP calls the application runs in the background and listens to incoming VoIP calls. In order to monitor the performance I used the .Net compact framework remote performance Monitor (RPM). this tool is easy to use, once you understand how to install and use it, and this is the reason for this post.


copy netcfrtl.dll and netcflaunch.exe  from C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft.NET\SDK\ CompactFramework\ v2.0\ WindowsCE\wce500\armv4i to the Windows directory on your device. (to copy from your desktop to your windows mobile device use ActiveSync)

Running the PRM:

Connect your device to the desktop using ActiveSync

Open NetCFRPM.exe from C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v2.0\bin

Select "File" and then "Live Counters"


In the device box select "ActiveSync"  and in the "application" box enter your application you wish to test. Press "connect". the application will start and you will see the changing counters.

for more details about the counters check out David Kline’s post

image image

Using this view you can see the counters change and see what’s going on. to make things easier to monitor, you can have a view of the heap at real time and compare the GC heap at different intervals.

imageGC Heap View:

Click "View GC Heap" to view the heap status. In this view you can see the number of instances  each object has and the memory it consommes. you may also see the root object that is keeping the object alive, i.e. what is the object that holds a reference to the object and hence its not garbage collected.




imageComparing heap states

Its very helpfully comparing different heap states over time. This can help you see the difference in object over time and help you find leaks in various states of your application. When interested to know the heap state click "View GC Heap". when you want to compare the heaps memory states go to "View" and then select "Compare Heap". this view allows you to view the difference in object during the run time.

Windows Mobile: How to take screenshots of your device or emulator

July 16th, 2008

In order to take a screen shot of your handset or of the emulator you should do the following:

1- Open the “Remote Zoom In” application from the “Visual studio Remote Tools”

WM screenshot

2- Select to what device or emulator you want to connect. In case your connecting to a device make sure its connected to the PC with the USB cable.

windows mobile screenshot

3- the application will connect to the device/emulator  and you will see the screenshot. if you would like to take another screenshot, just click the “Refresh” button

4 - To save the screenshot, select “Save as”.

MobileMonday Tel Aviv; Mobile VoIP Event

July 13th, 2008

MobileMonday TLV Last Monday was the second event of Mobile Monday Tel Aviv. The theme was mobile VoIp, a theme close to me. Although sceduled to start the lectures at 19:30, we started at 20:00, half an hour late, due to guests that were still arriving. I think that for the next MoMo event we should allow more time till the lectures start….:) on the bar were cool blue shot glasses courtesy of Sun.

We started with a lecture of Yossi Cohen from DSP-IP, that talked about Mobile VoIP technology and Mobile VoIP business models (lecture can be found ). After the lecture we had a panel with Tzahi Efrat from Jajah, Roy Timor-Rousso from Fring and Oded Goldenberg from Skuku that presented the VoIP companies and Yossi Hasson from BlueRun that presented a venture capital company. Having Jajah and Fring at the same table, makes you feel that Truphone are missing. although Truphone wanted to be at this Mobile Monday VoIP event, they could not make it. lucky us, James Tagg and James Body from Truphone were in Israel prior to the Mobile VoIP MoMo Event, and James Tagg answered the same questions on video. The video was filmed by James Body with my home camera at Jajah’s offices and I was asking the questions. I apologize for the bad quality :)

We had an interesting discussion on how mobile VoIP companies make their revenue, relations with operators and the future of mobile VoIP. It was intersting to know, that JAJAH, Skuku and Truphone make money, but Fring do not make money AND do not intended of making money. they have money from their VC. We had Yossi from BlueRun answer what is the reason for investing in a company that does not have any revenue. Does this mean that Fring will keep on receiving more and more founding from investors or at some point they will finish all their money and will have to close?

We had fun, interest, new acquaintances, drinks and blue shot glasses!

We are planing the next MoMo TLV event and looking for the next air conditioned location…if you have any suggestions, please email me!

See you in the next MoMo TLV event!

IMA’s Mobile Advertising event

July 4th, 2008

Mobile Advertising At the beginning of the week I attended the IMA’s Mobile Advertising event that took place in Tel Aviv. the event was very well planed, and on schedule, every lecture started and ended on time! that was so surprising. I think that was the first event I have been to in Israel that corresponded to the time table! the place was full, it looked that there where allot of women, compared to other mobile events I have been to. I was proud… :)

The lectures where interesting. Most of them demonstrated the extra creativity needed for mobile advertisement. TurkCell showed some very interesting ways to advertise, which involves users consent to get advertisements. They talked about coupons that users receive from their favorite brands which are discounts only available for mobile users, and that way making users want to receive the advertisement. The most interesting thing they talked about was commercial ring tones, the user sends a SMS with a short code and then he "subscribes" to a ringtone of some brand. Every time the rington is played (i.e  the user has an incoming call), the user gets credit-his phone bill is reduced. the number of times the ringtone is played is monitored. The technology used is called RBT (Ring Back Tone).  This is the song we hear when calling a friend. Turkcell uses a company called TonlaKazan (meaning Tone&Win) to achieve this.

Mobile Advertising Guy Ami-Ad,from Mobi, gave a rememberable lecture with allot of examples of innovated advertisements. a basic idea is that with a mobile, you can get to the user any time and any place, in the bed before he sleeps, or even in the bathroom…. he talked about having loyal users, and doing it by billing them only "after a few clicks".. and how important is it to make the users involved in the brands advertisements.  there were many more interesting lectures and talks.

I think there are many advantages for mobile advertising. from the advertiser side, the user is available at any time and any place, tracking and monitoring the result are very easy and there is no better way of knowing your target client by his  profile and interests whereas just having an advertisement on TV.

From the developer and business side, I think there is a barrier of where the technology in the mobile industry can develop and this is just because every thing in mobile cost money. Having advertisement to cover various charges on the mobile will increase demand in mobile technology.

Disadvantages? none, or am I  grafted? :) the only issue I see is spamming users with advertisements, but in the case of mobile advertisement the user needs to consent getting advertisement or coupons…

Jajah is the VoIP player that brought you web-activated telephony.